On October 17, during the “Autumn Grand Festival,” Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba offered a ceremonial item known as “Masakaki” at Yasukuni Shrine, as reported by NHK.
The shrine began its three-day festival on this date. Ishiba presented the offering, which featured a placard inscribed with his title, “Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba.”
Sources indicated that this marks the first time Ishiba has made such an offering since taking office, following the precedent set by former Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and others. However, it was noted that he would not be visiting the shrine during this festival.
Yasukuni Shrine, located in Tokyo’s Chiyoda District, is known for enshrining 14 Class A war criminals from World War II, including Hideki Tojo. For years, many Japanese politicians and members of the National Diet have insisted on visiting and making offerings at Yasukuni Shrine, which has sparked strong opposition from peace activists within Japan and has strained Japan’s relations with countries such as China and South Korea.